
experience badge

MTO Approved Online Curriculum

Course Topics

Lesson #1

Learning about the vehicle:

  • Student will learn about all in car devices and gadgets eg. dash
    board, windshield wipers, right and left turn signals
  • Pre and post driving habits
  • Seat belts, child safety seats, passengers and safety seat belts
  • Braking and acceleration peddle
  • Learning when to steer, brake and look
  • Learning to execute proper right and left turns
  • Simple residential right, left, and 3 point turns
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #2

Review and practice lesson #1

  • Practice of right and left turns
  • Stop signs, and right of way
  • Standing in intersection
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #3

Review and practice lesson #2

  • Signals and lane changes
  • Driving on city streets (right and left turn)
  • A proper lane change
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #4

Review and practice lesson #3

  • Right & Left turns and more practice at intersections and traffic lights
  • Parallel and hill parking
  • How to use your eyes (SMITH)
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #5

Review and practice lesson #4

  • Improvement of right and left turns at traffic lights
  • Reverse and head on parking
  • One way streets
  • Driving through Heavy Traffic
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #6

Review and practice lesson #5

  • Driving at Night – difference between day and night time driving
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #7

Review and practice lesson #6

Introduction to Freeway and Highway driving

  • Getting on to freeway (ramp, acceleration lane and merging)
  • Driving on freeway
  • Getting off freeway (de-acceleration, correct exit ramp)
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #8

Review and practice lesson #7

  • Driving through busy and complicated intersection and practice of right and left turns at them)
  • Independent drive and route plan
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #9

Review and practice lesson #7

  • Defensive driving techniques
  • Questions and Answer session for students
  • A brief description of the next lesson

Lesson #10

Review and practice lesson #7

  • Review and practice of all lessons
  • Final preparations for test
  • Driving Test with in car Instructor
  • Evaluation

Final Exam

The exam is a total of 35 questions and you must obtain a 70% or higher score to pass the course as per the BDE MTO Standards. You have 3 attempts to pass the final exam.